Realising Mâori potential
19 May 2005
Hon Parekura Horomia Minister of Mâori Affairs
Realising Mâori potential
Budget 2005 supports a new and innovative approach to Mâori Affairs policy guided by achieving and realising Mâori potential, says Mâori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia.
"This government is focused on the contribution Mâori make to a strong and growing economy, rather than on targeting Mâori as socio-economically disadvantaged. "The Kapohia ngâ Rawa initiative in this year's budget reflects this approach. It provides funding of $14.8 million over four years for outreach and community workers to work with whânau to provide information and advice on education, career planning, financial management and housing. This programme will play a critical role in moving individuals and their whânau from dependency to development.
"Earlier this month I announced additional funding for Mâori radio: $3.4 million will be allocated over the next two years to upgrade outdated broadcasting equipment. "Broadcasting is vital to the revitalisation of te reo Mâori and the Maori radio industry must remain sustainable. This funding will enable Maori radio stations to maintain a competitive footing with their industry counterparts and meet the expectations of an increasingly sophisticated Maori audience.
"Mâori people are developing the skills that support their participation and achievement in te ao Mâori, and as global citizens. Our demographics tell us the state of Mâoridom is now one of youthful intelligence, energy and expectancy. This budget creates a positive context for future prosperity.
"The recent Hui Taumata made it clear that the path for Mâori from dependency to development is through education, employment and enterprise. I am pleased that the government is providing support through this budget to build on the achievements of Mâori," Mr Horomia said.