National Will Get Tough On Drug Gang King Pins
Tony Ryall MP National Party Law & Order Spokesman
Richard Worth National Party Justice Spokesman
29 April 2005
National Will Get Tough On Drug Gang King Pins
National Party MPs Tony Ryall and Richard Worth say veteran Black Power gang leader Abraham Wharewaka would be looking forward to a much longer stay in prison if National was in power.
"This man has been responsible for ruining countless lives, selling drugs to children as young as 11. National would confiscate his assets with a much tougher proceeds of crime law, and make sure parole is not an option," says National's Law and Order spokesman Tony Ryall. "The decision of the High Court to impose a minimum 3-year 4-month sentence highlights the absurdity of the sentencing regime introduced by Labour," says National's Justice spokesman Richard Worth.
"This decision is a stark illustration of the difference between Labour and National. Under a National-led Government Mr Wharewaka would serve the full sentence of 8 years," says Mr Worth.
"The police have been crying out for more powers so they can confiscate gang assets, but all Labour has produced is a watered down version of National's policy," says Mr Ryall.
"National is serious about protecting our communities and our children from drug predators like Abraham Wharewaka," say the MPs.