Baldock: UF only safe bet for grey vote
Wednesday, 13 April 2005
Baldock: UF only safe bet for grey vote
United Future’s Larry Baldock today acknowledged the wisdom of Grey Power writing off the major parties this week, adding that United Future was the only support party that could deliver for them. “While Winston repeatedly promises the earth, he almost invariably delivers nothing,” he said.
“On the other hand, United Future has worked consistently to convince the Government to lift the abatement threshold on the rates rebate and increase the amount of the abatement - both key Grey Power policy planks.
“And as recently as today the Government had to acknowledge in Parliament our roll in pushing this policy, and as such, we welcome the Prime Minister’s announcement last night at the Grey Power conference,” he said.
United Future will continue to pursue the removal of GST off rates and central government ensuring that 1% of total GST revenue collected is redistributed back to local councils as a further means of reducing the burden of local government on ratepayers.