Questions For Oral Answer As At Thursday, 17 Feb
1. Hon PETER DUNNE to the Minister of Education: Is he comfortable with the notion that those students who miss out on allowances must get a job or take out a student loan, as he appeared to state in the House last week?
2. Hon BILL ENGLISH to the Minister of Education: Does he stand by his statement issued yesterday regarding the scholarship issue that, "On the evening of January 25 I was shown the table that reveals the variability between subjects for the first time."; if not, why not?
3. CLAYTON COSGROVE to the Minister of Finance: What positive indicators has he received on the state of the New Zealand economy?
4. RON MARK to the Minister of Police: Did he ascertain from the police review into Christchurch 111 calls why a Christchurch dispatcher alleged he or she could not contact three traffic units to send to an abduction and an assault on 4 July because they were logged "out of service" and not listening to their radios?
5. MARTIN GALLAGHER to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade: What reports has he received on the extent of damage caused by cyclones Nancy and Olaf in the Pacific, and what, if anything, has New Zealand been asked to do to assist?
6. Hon KEN SHIRLEY to the Minister of Education: Did he or the then Associate Minister raise concerns in relation to Te Wananga O Aotearoa regarding financial accountability and whether the taxpayer was getting value for money with Cabinet in writing; if so, on what date?
7. NANDOR TANCZOS to the Minister of Education: Does he agree that the student support system discriminates against women, Maori and people under 25; if not, why not?
8. LYNNE PILLAY to the Minister of Health: What reports has she received about the opening of the new secondary hospital in Waitakere last Saturday?
9. Hon TONY RYALL to the Minister of Police: What specific additional resources has he secured for the 111 system since his press release endorsing the Commissioner's review of the system in October?
10. TARIANA TURIA to the Associate Minister of Education: Does the current Ongoing and Reviewable Resourcing Schemes funding meet the needs of special needs students?
11. Hon BILL ENGLISH to the Associate Minister of Education: Does he stand by his statement to the House on 3 February 2005 regarding scholarship results that, "I do not subscribe to the accusations he makes about ... shonky exam results ... I think that most New Zealanders, and certainly most of the students involved in those examinations, would want any consideration of the results to be done on the basis of full and timely information."; if so, what information did he have about scholarship results when he made that statement?
12. STEPHEN FRANKS to the Minister of Police: Are there any policy statements requiring the police to enforce traffic law without discrimination on the basis of race, culture or religion; if not, why not?