Govt commitment to ending race privilege doubtful

Published: Tue 18 Jan 2005 10:18 AM
Govt's commitment to ending race privilege doubtful
ACT Maori Affairs spokesman Stephen Franks today warned that Trevor Mallard's reports on his own performance as Race Relations Minister should be studied for signs of weaseling out of the assurance given in panic last year that the Government would eliminate race-based funding and redirect it solely on need.
"Mr Mallard's statement on National Radio yesterday signalled a shifting of the ground. He seems to be redefining his job as being a check on value for money spending instead of eliminating race privilege.
"If he was genuinely concerned about equality before the law he would be asking Police Minster George Hawkins why Tama Iti can brandish a firearm and gloat how he got away with threatening judges on the Waitangi Tribunal, without immediate arrest and prosecution," Mr Franks said.

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