Same faces, same extravagances - nothing changes

Published: Tue 14 Dec 2004 04:37 PM
Hon. Georgina te Heuheu MP
National Party Broadcasting Spokeswoman
14 December 2004
Same faces, same extravagances - nothing changes
"Helen Clark must waste no time in calling for heads to roll at the TVNZ Board after reports suggesting newsreader Judy Bailey has been given an unjustified $400,000 pay increase," says National Party Broadcasting spokeswoman Georgina te Heuheu.
"The Labour Government has been ranting and railing against the culture of extravagance and greed for ages, yet when it comes to the crunch they appear unwilling or unable to do anything about it.
"TV 3 says they weren't going to poach her, Prime says it wasn't interested either. In light of that, we look forward to hearing the reasons why the state-owned broadcaster has been so generous with our taxpayer money.
"Rival networks say the salary is unjustified in the local market.
"Most people would have thought that after making such a meal on the 'culture of extravagance' and criticising confidentiality clauses at TVNZ, the Government would have made its expectations clear.
"Labour's had five years to make the changes. But the Government has turned a blind eye, instead giving TVNZ a blank cheque, pouring millions of dollars into the network through the charter and injecting millions more by way of dividends.
"Helen Clark was among the first to criticise Paul Holmes for his salary and the confidentiality around his contract. Yet today, when it comes to Judy Bailey, the Prime Minister is prepared to stand aside and wait for an explanation from her friend Ian Fraser.
"Actions speak louder than words and so far words are all this Government has," says Mrs te Heuheu.

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