Winston Peters free to live in Zimbabwe or Burma

Published: Fri 10 Dec 2004 12:52 AM
10 December 2004
Hon Matt Robson MP, Progressive Deputy Leader
Winston Peters free to live in Zimbabwe or Burma
Winston Peters seems to think that just because he says something, it must be true. But that’s not the case. When he says Ahmed Zaoui is a “grave security risk,” Mr Peters is merely repeating himself when he has no evidence to back his claim, says Progressive MP Matt Robson.
NZ First policy is obviously to have a bureaucrat decide, by administrative fiat, who is a security threat without being troubled by evidence or the Courts. Fortunately most New Zealanders and the Courts are not prepared to compromise our high standards of justice.
Mr Peters is lucky the rule of law operates in New Zealand which means he, and everyone else, is innocent of a crime until proven guilty.
Mr Peters is free to go to the airport any time he wants and go to live in Zimbabwe or Burma, two countries which seem have political and judicial systems more to his liking.

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