Greens celebrate a smokefree New Zealand
Greens celebrate a smokefree New Zealand
Green Party
members will be out on the town tomorrow celebrating bars
and restaurants becoming smokefree.
“It’s fantastic
that New Zealanders can now enjoy a drink in a bar and go
home without smelling like an ashtray,” Green Party Health
Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said.
“We are proud to have played a pivotal role in getting the Smokefree Bill passed. Every Green MP voted for it. Our members are keen to acknowledge that, and enjoy the positive impact this legislation will have on all our lives.”
Wellington Greens
will celebrate in a pub the fact they can now “breathe while
In Christchurch, local greens including MP
Rod Donald will kick-off a “pub crawl” around inner city
watering holes in Sammie's Jazz Bar at 5.30pm. Their next
stop will be the “notorious” Baileys Bar.
Other green branches will visit pubs spreading Green messages. Nelson Greens will hand out peppermints.