Baldock: If it isn't gay marriage, prove it
Tuesday, 7 December 2004
Baldock: If it isn't gay marriage, prove it
United Future's Larry Baldock is calling on supporters of the Civil Union Bill to back his amendment to clause 18 of the bill to "make it absolutely clear that there is no intention to convert civil unions into same-sex marriage".
"In my opinion, clauses 17 and 18 should be deleted as sought in the amendment of my colleague, Marc Alexander, for there is no rationale for transferring between civil unions and marriage and vice versa.
"However, if his amendment is defeated, I want to challenge supporters to at least amend clause 18 to make it absolutely clear that it is Parliament's intention that no same-sex couple should be able to transfer a civil union to marriage.
"While there has been an understanding that the Marriage Act applied only to men and women, it is not inconceivable that this could be contested by our new Supreme Court and the will of Parliament altered by a judicial decision.
"If supporters of the civil unions do not support my amendment, it makes it clear that they do have a hidden agenda and a strategy."