robson-on-politics 5 November

Published: Fri 5 Nov 2004 03:02 PM
robson-on-politics 5 November
robson-on-politics, a weekly newsletter from Matt Robson MP Deputy Leader of the Progressive Party
Progressive: positive about people and jobs
Fri 5 November
Progressive campaigns on 30% company tax
After a big news week including that election, Tamihere, and 'Pinocchio' Peters, Progressive announced that we will campaign for a 30% company tax rate in the third term of the centre-left coalition government. While everyone would like a tax cut, the question for us is what is best to continue our track record of economic development?
In the first two terms, Jim Anderton and I have pushed policies which have delivered over 211,000 new jobs and the second-lowest unemployment rate in the developed world. Now it's time for a 30% company tax rate which will drive more growth in businesses and create even more jobs. That's good news for families. That's Progressive!
See: and Jim Anderton's full speech is at:
Another term for the Labour-Progressive cabinet
We've been heads-down within the coalition getting on with our pro-jobs pro-families policies. Now it's time to trumpet that we want to be back in Parliament next year and around the Cabinet table for a third term. Tax is our first announcement and there will be another on Sunday.
Bush vs Kerry
Within four hours of John Kerry's concession speech, the Bush Administration was stepping up hostilities in Fallujah. They will of course only act in their self-interest and seek to shape and preserve the world in their image. Countries like New Zealand need to ally with like-minded countries to strengthen the rule of international law and make progress towards fair and just trade. Our coalition government had a small victory when Arnold Schwarzenegger decided to allow sustainably produced New Zealand timber equal access in California markets. See:
Koha, kickback or kiss of death
Whichever version of the Tamihere saga that you favour the question now is whether he stays as a Member of Parliament. The political knives must be sheathed and the investigation of Mr Douglas White QC should proceed without comment and supposition. Whether it is for John, Judy, or an Ahmed, the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness must be applied for a fair deal.
Winston "Pinocchio" Peters' nose grows longer
So NZ First will be buying back strategic assets, he says. But in 1996 Mr Peters went to the electorate saying he would protect public assets and promised no coalition with Jim Bolger. Then as Bolger's deputy he sold off very valuable assets including the government's 51.6% of Auckland airport. The sale of 166,800 hectares of land and $11.7 billion of assets to foreign owners followed. NZ First's asset sales track record:
Ebb and flow on Foreshore and Seabed Bill
The select committee has now reported. There will be some changes: accepting that the Crown cannot sell foreshore and seabed; that the strongest possible rights are to be afforded to iwi or hapu associated with particular sites; that where title is extinguished the Crown is obliged to consider appropriate redress through a formal process; and to guarantee public access and navigation rights. This is not quite the trusteeship principle I favoured but it is progress.
Refugee Authority to put out the book.
A 223 page finding on Ahmed Zaoui deserves its own book, and such a book will be on sale on Nov 24. A helpful introduction, clearly set out sections, and a glossary to explain jargon, allow readers to follow the painstaking investigation followed by the quasi-judicial Refugee Status Appeals Authority to reach its conclusion that Ahmed Zaoui is a man deserving our protection. See:
14 weeks Paid Parental leave:
That's Progressive! Parliament has extended paid parental leave to 14 weeks and mums-to-be will qualify after six months with their employer. The next step is to extend to self-employed women. We're strengthening families by our actions. _________________________
Guests on The Robson Hour Sunday noon - 1pm are Jim Anderton talking about policy announcements, Rowena Sutton JP, and Peter Conway of the CTU. See < > for more news on tougher (draft) banking rules and brilliant Kiwi students.
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