Land Access Will Ensure Farmer Vigilantism

Published: Wed 13 Oct 2004 12:01 AM
Land Access Will Ensure Farmer Vigilantism
Wednesday 13 Oct 2004
Gerry Eckhoff Press Releases - Rural - ACT Rural Website
A Taranaki farmer's decision to run an advertisement, warning trespassers on his property that he'll take the law into his own hands, is a sign of things to come if the Government's land access proposals become law, ACT New Zealand Rural Affairs Spokesman Gerry Eckhoff said today.
"While I don't condone vigilante behaviour, I can understand every farmer's frustration at the loss of highly valuable stock and personal property to rustlers - even if the Government can't," Mr Eckhoff said.
"I predict that more and more farmers will take the law into their own hands if Rural Affairs Minister Jim Sutton drives through his proposals to force farmers to allow the public unfettered access through their land.
"Labour's ill-advised plan to erode farmers' property rights will inevitably lead to an increase in rural crime, as farmers' personal security, and that of their property, will be under greater threat.
"I call on the Government to think very carefully before it legislates away a farmer's right to decide who may or may not enter their property. If it does decide to go ahead with its proposals, the potential for increased vigilantism and bloodshed is huge," Mr Eckhoff said.

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