Baldock moves for mid-March for foreshore report
Tuesday, 12 October, 2004
Baldock moves for mid-March for final foreshore report
United Future's Larry Baldock today moved that the select committee probing the foreshore and seabed legislation provide an interim report to Parliament by next month and extend the deadline for the final report to mid-March next year.
Mr Baldock, a member of the Fisheries and Other Sea-related Legislation Committee, last month called for an interim report to allow New Zealanders more time to consider this crucial piece of legislation. Today he filed a notice of motion to the committee.
"An interim report would serve to update all interested parties on likely amendments, and Parliament could be furnished with a more comprehensive final report that does justice to the issues involved and is more reflective of inclusive democracy," he said.
Mr Baldock had earlier contrasted the goodwill being developed for Maori Fisheries Bill with the disappointment, anger and frustration of Maori and Pakeha alike over the foreshore and seabed legislation.
"There have been only one or two submitters fully in support of the legislation and a socially responsible Government needs to deal with that reality and not try to bulldoze things through," Mr Baldock said.
He said deferring the final report would also allow time for the Privy Council decision on the Ngati Apa appeal to be factored in.