Career Services: 2004 Fact Sheet
Career Services: 2004 Fact Sheet
The government is investing more than $13 million in 2004/2005 for Career Services.
This funding supports the following initiatives:
Pathfinder is a new online career guidance and planning tool that allows users to create their own individualised profiles – that can be saved, reviewed and changed over time. Potentially suitable career options are generated, with detailed information on options available, along with a planning exercise to enable the user to explore their next steps.
KiwiCareers website ( is New Zealand’s primary window to career information, giving a comprehensive source of impartial, up-to-date career and labour market information.
CareerCentres in 16 locations around the country provide face-to-face help, through a variety of services, to individuals, schools and groups. Experienced career consultants can help people develop a career plan, write a CV and prepare for interviews. Phone 0800 109 901 to find the CareerCentre nearest to you.
CareerPoint is an 0800 contact centre where trained advisors provide free information on careers, courses, training options and job profiles. Phone 0800 222 733, Email:, Fax: (04) 801 2731. CareerPoint is open Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 10am-2pm.
Successful transitions - Career Services provide specific services for schools to help students make successful transitions from school to tertiary study or work. These include: Advice and support for schools' career education programmes, including professional development help; Customised career workshops for those with particular needs; Resources for teachers and students; Training of career educators. The Designing Careers pilot, aimed at year 10 students, and those at risk of not making a successful transition from school into further work or training.