Legal Gymnastics Sets Alleged Killer Free

Published: Fri 23 Jul 2004 12:50 AM
23 July 2004
Legal Gymnastics Sets Alleged Killer Free
New Zealand First leader Rt Hon Winston Peters says he’s appalled that a legal technicality has allowed an alleged 14 year-old killer to walk free from the murder of schoolboy Jordan Adams.
The boy was acquitted last month after a trial judge ruled his videotaped police interview was inadmissible because detectives failed to explain his rights.
“This is legal gymnastics. Such a technicality should not be sufficient when surrounding evidence is so compelling,” said Mr Peters.
“This boy has been spared any accountability for the death of a teenager and he has been released back into the community which will hardly welcome him with open arms.
“Our criminal law must be strengthened, and must make the rights of victims paramount. Without an exception to double jeopardy allowing a person who has been acquitted of a violent crime to be tried again if there is new evidence, we risk facing a society with far too many criminals walking free because of legal technicalities,” said Mr Peters.

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