Zaoui wastes more taxpayer dollars

Published: Thu 1 Jul 2004 12:26 AM
1 July 2004
Zaoui wastes more taxpayer dollars
The taxpayer is set to be landed with another colossal legal aid bill for suspected terrorist Ahmed Zaoui as his case comes before the High Court yet again, says National's Immigration spokesman, Wayne Mapp.
Zaoui's lawyers are fighting to have him released from jail, where he has been for a year and a half, into the Mangere Refugee Centre.
"There is absolutely no need for another court case," says Dr Mapp.
"This man is subject to a National Security Certificate and there is a process in place that is dealing with that.
"It seems absurd that we would have fresh High Court litigation when we are already awaiting a decision from the Court of Appeal.
The Court of Appeal is looking at how the Inspector-General of Security should proceed with a review of the National Security Certificate.
Zaoui has been convicted of terrorism-related offences in both Belgium and France, and is the only person in New Zealand to have been the subject of a National Security Certificate since 1996.
"We must allow the independent review to take its course. This vexatious litigation is an absurd waste of time and taxpayer money," says Dr Mapp.

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