Aquaculture Deal Naked Racism

Published: Fri 18 Jun 2004 11:03 AM
Aquaculture Deal Naked Racism
Friday 18 Jun 2004
Stephen Franks - Press Releases - Treaty of Waitangi & Maori Affairs
ACT New Zealand Maori affairs Spokesman Stephen Franks today labelled the Labour Government's proposal, to give Maori 20 percent of all New Zealand aquaculture, nothing more than naked racism.
"ACT has supported settlement of Treaty claims because they are compensation for property wrongly taken. But aquaculture, and aquaculture areas, are entirely new property and there is no justification whatsoever for these transfers," Mr Franks said.
"There is no evidence this move will do anything other than feed a greedy class of opportunists, who will spend the next 10 years squabbling over who gets what out of the windfall.
"ACT will oppose this because it is bad in principle, and it is bad in effect. If Maori are being given 20 percent of any attractive new property created by the Crown, will that exhaust their right to share in it as ordinary New Zealand citizens? If not, why not?
"And who is `Maori' for these purposes? Will it go to Maori who have never had any coastline? If so, why? What is the principle behind this, other than buying votes in Maori seats?
"It is tragic that legitimate people in the aquaculture industry have become so discouraged that they are willing to support any deal that will finally get the Government to allow their industry to go forward," Mr Franks said.

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