Report points to further gains in job numbers
11 June 2004
Hon Matt Robson MP, Progressive Deputy Leader
ANZ Job Ads report points to further gains in job numbers
Progressive MP Matt Robson says the latest ANZ Bank Job Ads report lends support to the view that New Zealand's unemployment rate, currently at its lowest level in a generation, is set to continue.
"ANZ reported today that newspaper job advertising levels have settled at a level consistent with continuing expansion in job numbers. Job advertising levels in the major newspapers rose a further 1% in the month of May," Matt Robson said.
"This is further good news in the campaign against poverty and social injustice. There is no better tonic against poverty and inequality than the availability of secure jobs and the offer of steady, adequate incomes," the Progressive MP said.
ANZ today estimated that newspaper job advertising will plateau around current historically high levels. ANZ expects further employment gains through the remainder of 2004 and into 2005, albeit at a more modest rate of growth than the unsustainably strong results in recent quarters.