Get Involved In The Health Of Your Community

Published: Fri 11 Jun 2004 10:53 AM
Get involved in the health of your community: Call 0508 9 10 2004
If you want to play a part in the significant decisions that affect the health of your community then now is the time to act, says Health Minister Annette King.
Elections for District Health Boards (DHBs) will be held in October this year, with nearly 150 places available for people passionate about the health of their community.
Ms King says many people have views about how funding for health services should be allocated in their region.
"If you want to make a difference to the health of your community, now is the time to consider standing in the elections. We need elected members of different ages, ethnicities and genders to reflect the diversity of our communities."
DHBs have the responsibility of allocating funding for health and disability services in your region. There are 21 boards in total and all are responsible for ensuring that your district's health and disability needs are catered for.
A toll-free information line (0508 9 10 2004) has been established for people interested in standing for their DHB or local council.
Nominations for candidates open on July 23 and close on August 20. "I encourage prospective candidates to consider getting involved now."
This year's DHB elections will be held using the Single Transferable Vote (STV) system where voters rank their desired candidates in order of preference.
The DHB elections will also use 'at-large' structures where voters have a say in the election of all elected board members instead of just the ones that were in their ward or constituency.
For further information on standing as a candidate call toll-free on 0508 9 10 2004, visit or, or contact your DHB or local authority.

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