DOC's Island Insurance Policy Sensible
Media Release
12 May 2004
DOC's Island Insurance Policy Sensible
New Zealand First conservation spokesperson Edwin Perry has expressed cautious approval of DoC’s announced plan to create two new island sanctuaries on Secretary Island and Resolution Island.
“The expenditure of $7 million to create two island sanctuaries will be money well spent if it provides large enough environments to support breeding populations of endangered species,” said Mr Perry.
“This project at least makes more sense than spending enormous amounts of money trying to buy up the South Island high country.
“The opportunity to develop new pest control techniques which can eventually be used elsewhere will also be of value.
“However it is hoped that the department will not rest on its laurels. The Minister has described the project as a significant milestone in the Government’s goal of creating a cleaner, greener New Zealand but as we all know there is still a fair way to go,” said Mr Perry.