Water Conservation Order for the Mohaka River
12 March 2004 Media Statement
Water Conservation Order for the Mohaka River
Protecting the Hawke's Bay's Mohaka River for future generations will be assured with the decision to place a Water Conservation Order on the river, Environment Minister Marian Hobbs said today.
"The order will protect the outstanding characteristics and features of the upper part of the river above the State Highway 5 bridge as well as the Mokonui Gorge and tributaries of the Mohaka River," Marian Hobbs said. “These include the outstanding trout fishery, and white water canoeing and rafting opportunities.
"The order will effectively clarify what can and can’t be done with the river. It will also achieve the overall goal of ensuring that the river remains a place of beauty and value."
Marian Hobbs acknowledged the length of time the process had taken since the original application for an order in 1987 by the then Council of North Island Acclimatisation Societies (now Fish and Game New Zealand). But, after thorough and careful consideration of all the relevant matters, including the Waitangi Tribunal’s Mohaka River Report, she concluded an order was needed.
A water conservation order was the most effective way of ensuring the unique characteristics of the river are available to future generations, the minister added.
"It is an important step in recognising and protecting the outstanding features of all the waters of the Mohaka River system," Marian Hobbs said.
"Outstanding fishing, recreational and scenic characteristics as well as spiritual and cultural values, make the need for a conservation order imperative."