Trans-Tasman building council formed
4 March 2004 Media Statement
Trans-Tasman building council formed
Greater understanding of, and co-operation between, the Australian and New Zealand building industries will be promoted through the development of a Trans-Tasman Building Regulatory Reform Council.
Federal Industry Minister, Ian Macfarlane and New Zealand Minister for Commerce, Margaret Wilson, today announced the establishment of the Council to improve building control systems in both countries.
The Council has been formed in recognition of the increasing Trans-Tasman trade in building related products and services and a growing number of building-related firms operating on both sides of the Tasman.
Council members will be drawn from the Australian Building Codes Board and the New Zealand Building Industry Authority, the Australian Government Department of Industry Tourism and Resources and the New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development.
Their objectives will be to foster a common understanding of the Trans-Tasman building regulatory environment, promote more open trade of building design and construction and encourage a more consistent building regulatory environment between Australia and New Zealand.
The Council's activities will include:
- Developing and implementing consistent product certification and appraisal schemes in Australia and New Zealand;
- Promoting consistency in the education, training and accreditation of industry professionals to uphold the building regulatory regimes;
- Where appropriate, pooling of resources to aid research and development of components of performance-based building regulatory systems;
- Promoting a common understanding of, and a framework for, further development of performance-based building regulatory systems; and
- Promoting closer trade in goods and services within the building and construction industry.
Meetings of the Council will be held quarterly and will alternate between countries, with the first meeting scheduled today in Wellington.