Greens support CAYAD boost
17 February, 2004
Greens support CAYAD boost
The Green Party has thrown its support behind the increased rollout of the Community Action on Youth and Drugs (CAYAD) programme, announced by the Government today.
Nandor Tanczos, MP said the Greens have joined a number of different organisations in supporting CAYAD, including past parliamentary speeches and advocating that the Health Select Committee inquiry into cannabis endorse the CAYAD programme.
"Good on Mr Anderton for listening to the evidence and acting accordingly," said Nandor, the Green spokesperson for Drug Policy. "This is a positive move for all New Zealand communities."
"The Greens have been calling for increased funding of demonstrably effective drug education since 1999 and successfully negotiated $450,000 over three years for the development of drug education in a 2002 budget initiative.
"I attended a national hui of CAYAD project workers in the last term of parliament and have been a strong supporter since then.
"This is a good example of how culturally and socially appropriate targeted funding is often the most effective way of providing services.
"Local communities know what the problems are and if empowered are in the best position to identify and offer solutions."