Maharey's 'gift' a cruel joke on students
Maharey's 'gift' a cruel joke on students
Tertiary Education Minister Steve Maharey's announcement that the income thresholds for student loan repayments and interest write-offs will be raised by $208 and $131 respectively is nothing to boast about, said Green MP Nandor Tanczos today.
"Steve Maharey's Christmas offering to students is miserly in the extreme," said Nandor, the Green spokesperson for Tertiary Education.
"Its like one of those prank presents. You think you're getting something for Christmas, but someone's just having a laugh at your expense."
The student loan repayment threshold is aligned with the domestic purposes benefit paid to people with two or more children.
"Without belittling the serious financial strain
for someone on the DPB having to make compulsory repayments,
it's a bit weird to hear Mr Maharey crow about this like its
some kind of happy season handout."