Assistance for submissions on Waitaki catchment

Published: Fri 5 Dec 2003 10:13 AM
Assistance for submissions on Waitaki catchment
Environment Minister Marian Hobbs today announced a new Community Assistance Fund to help the public make submissions on the Waitaki catchment resource consent applications.
"The Ministry for the Environment is finalising the fund, and full details will be announced soon," Marian Hobbs said.
It is envisaged at this stage that grants of up to $20,000 may be made available to community groups on application. A total of $250,000 has been set aside for the fund, but will be reviewed as the process progresses.
"We want the public, including the local communities, recreational groups, businesses, farmers and everyone else with an interest in the Waitaki catchment to participate fully in the Waitaki catchment water allocation decision making process," Marian Hobbs said.
Special legislation to create an improved process to decide water allocation from the catchment was introduced on Wednesday (December 3).
The Resource Management (Waitaki Catchment) Amendment Bill will be referred to a select committee after its first reading on Wednesday (December 10). Submissions will be called for.
Resource consent applications for water from the Waitaki River and for construction and land use aspects of Meridian Energy Limited's proposed hydro-electricity scheme Project Aqua will be publicly notified for submissions tomorrow (Saturday December 6).

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