Extra Tax Take Swelling Public Sector
John Key
National Deputy Finance Spokesman
19 November 2003
Extra tax take swelling public sector
National's Deputy Finance spokesman John Key is slating the Government for fattening up the public sector, while at the same time overtaxing New Zealanders.
Figures released by Mr Key show that between 2000 and 2002, the number of employees in government departments increased 8.7% - from 29,055 to 31,587.
"While most New Zealanders are continuing to be overtaxed by this Labour Government, more and more money is being fed into a burgeoning public sector," says Mr Key.
"The expanding size of the Labour Cabinet is clearly being copied by an expanding public service.
"A breakdown of these figures makes interesting reading," says Mr Key. "The Culture and Heritage Ministry, overseen by the Prime Minister, has more than trebled it staff numbers since 2000, while Treasury has actually cut staffing.
"If New Zealanders are to pay for extra public servants, the Government should make sure they're going where they are needed - social workers, police on the beat - rather than swelling the ranks of pen pushers in favoured departments," says Mr Key.