Questions for Oral Answer - Wednesday, 12 November
Questions for Oral Answer
As At Wednesday, 12
November 2003
Questions to Ministers
1. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Minister of Immigration: Why has she answered questions with regard to Ahmed Zaoui, Obaidullah Rahemy, Wahidullah Rahemy and Mohammed Saidi, when the acting Minister of Immigration yesterday repeatedly refused to supply any details of an alleged case involving another suspected terrorist from Algeria?
2. JUDY TURNER to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): Does she have confidence that the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services' systems and front-line staff consistently deliver best social work practice; if not, why not?
3. KATHERINE RICH to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): Were the Department of Child, Youth and Family Services' policies and procedures followed in the case of Saliel Aplin and Olympia Jetson; if not, why not?
4. SUE BRADFORD to the Minister of Health: Is she confident that patients and staff are safe in psychiatric units around New Zealand, including those in the Taharoto unit on Auckland's North Shore?
5. KATHERINE RICH to the Associate Minister for Social Development and Employment (CYF): What specific concerns, if any, did she or her officials have concerning the administration or management of the Masterton office of Child, Youth and Family Services and how have these been addressed?
6. MARTIN GALLAGHER to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What recent reports has he received on employment and unemployment?
7. RODNEY HIDE to the Prime Minister: What action did she take on receiving my letter to her dated 19 March 2002 detailing Mr Ross Lynneberg's pay dispute, dating back to when the New Zealand Government transferred him from the Royal New Zealand Navy to the Royal Navy, and does she agree with Hon Mark Burton's letter of 26 September 2003, confirming that Mr Lynneberg's pay was 238 pounds and ten shillings short while he was held prisoner of war by the Japanese but that he won't be paid the shortfall and that "all options have now been fully explored"?
8. STEVE CHADWICK to the Minister of Health: What progress is being made towards the redevelopment of Dunstan Hospital?
9. Hon ROGER SOWRY to the Minister of Health: Will she be ensuring that the 20 recommendations made in a recent report into the death of a mental health patient in the care of Capital and Coast District Health Board will be followed up; if not, why not?
10. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Prime Minister: Does she have confidence in the Minister of Immigration given recent publicity of events surrounding the New Zealand Immigration Service?
11. LYNNE PILLAY to the Minister of Education: What steps is he taking to ensure that international students studying at New Zealand secondary and composite schools receive a high standard of pastoral care?
12. IAN EWEN-STREET to the Minister for Biosecurity: Why was a shipment of Douglas Fir seedlings infected with pine pitch canker seized and destroyed this week and why was it ever allowed to leave California for New Zealand?
Questions to Members
1. Hon PETER DUNNE to the Steve Chadwick (Member in charge of the Smoke-free Environments Amendment Bill): Is she concerned that the payment of taxpayer funds to anti-smoking groups for the purposes of lobbying members of Parliament and media to support smoke-free legislation will have an undue influence on the consideration of the Smoke-free Environments Amendment Bill?
2. Hon PETER DUNNE to the Steve Chadwick (Member in charge of the Smoke-free Environments Amendment Bill): Is she satisfied that all available scientific evidence has been considered during the passage of the Smoke-free Environments Amendment Bill?
3. MARC ALEXANDER to the Georgina Beyer (Member in charge of the Masterton District Council (Montfort Trimble Foundation) Bill: Has she received any positive feedback from her Wairarapa constituents regarding the scheduled advancement of the Masterton District Council (Montfort Trimble Foundation) Bill through its second reading today?