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Nick Smith has been elected Deputy Leader
- Headline from National.org.nz...
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In a month’s time, the Right Honourable Winston Peters will be celebrating his 80th birthday. Good for him. On the evidence though, his current war on “wokeness” looks like an old man’s cranky complaint that the ancient virtues of grit and know-how are sadly lacking in the youth of today. “Woke” is a political weapon being used by conservatives to rally the nation’s voters against a left wing agenda that seeks to reward and promote Māori, feminists, trans people, and the disabled, at the expense of ordinary decent folk who are – allegedly – none of the above.
“There is no financial case for PPP’s in New Zealand where the Crown can borrow more cheaply”, said CTU Economist Craig Renney. “The Government’s own PPP guidelines state that. We shouldn’t be handing profits to overseas financiers when it comes to building the schools, hospitals, and essential public services Aotearoa needs. We will all pay more in the long-run.”
"The EU and the UK have made it clear that trade commitments are predicated on environmental commitments. If Luxon wants to present himself as committed to a rules-based multilateral international system then he needs to also be committed to New Zealand’s international environmental agreements," says Dr Russel Norman, Greenpeace Aotearoa Executive Director..
The Living Wage Movement is once again calling on NZ First to stand by its election promise to protect the Living Wage for government-contracted cleaners, security guards, and caterers. When workers are paid the Living Wage, they’re more engaged, attentive, and they stick around. Their reliance on government subsidies is reduced. That’s value for money.
New Zealanders want high environmental standards to be met. Despite the Government’s efforts to derail good environmental outcomes with the shameful Fast-track Approvals Act, our expectation is that investors should bring progressive thinking to the planning and implementation of new infrastructure projects.
“All we need now is just six Government MPs. If six MPs from National, NZ First or ACT use their conscience, we can pass the law necessary to begin sanctioning Israel for its brutal war crimes against the Palestinian people,” says Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick.
Terrence “Mook” Hohneck, Chair of the Trust and Chair of Hokai Nuku says the investment in safer roading and driving local communities will help to boost productivity in the area.
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