Yesterday's man takes over yesterday's party
28 October, 2003
Yesterday's man takes over yesterday's party
The Green Party Co-leaders have congratulated the National caucus on electing the one man as leader guaranteed to keep them in perpetual opposition.
Jeanette Fitzsimons and Rod Donald applauded the new leader of the National Party, Dr Don Brash, on his commitment to providing jobs and better health and education for low-income families - but totally reject his recipe for achieving it.
"Dr Brash's fundamentalist Rogernomic policies have been responsible for driving the largest ever gap between high and low income earners in this country," said Green Co-leader Jeanette Fitzsimons today. "It's extraordinary that he still believes the same failed policies will help the poor.
"With Mr English's moderating influence gone, an old-look National Party under the tight-fisted Dr Brash will try and bulldoze flat every social and environmental value that New Zealanders hold dear, in pursuit of a top-10 OECD ranking.
"The good news is that National's lurch to the right will leave them scrapping with Act for the ever-shrinking proportion of voters who still think Rogernomics was a good idea."
"The Nats have swapped a sheep in wolf's clothing for an unabashed wolf," commented Co-leader Rod Donald. "Dr Brash's biggest mistake was stepping down as Reserve Bank Governor. He had more opportunity to inflict right wing dogma on New Zealanders than he ever will as leader of a party in permanent opposition.
"The Green MPs have found both Mr English and Dr Brash to be pleasant people. However, as Co-leaders of the only real opposition party in Parliament, we didn't accept Mr English as the 'Official Leader of the Opposition' and we find Dr Brash's policies even less acceptable."