Spot The Hypocrisy, Mr Acland
Spot The Hypocrisy, Mr Acland
Gerry Eckhoff
20 Oct 2003
ACT New Zealand Rural Affairs Spokesman Gerry Eckhoff today said the criticism of the tenure review process enabling farmers who have given up vast areas of land in return for a freehold title, is reprehensible.
“The reported concerns expressed by John Acland – a former Meat Board chairman and farmer – is especially worrying as he enjoys an obvious relationship with the Labour Government through his appointment as Chair of the Land Access Ministerial Reference Group’s report on public access,” Mr Eckhoff said.
“It seems Mr Acland now believes he should comment on landscape values. The irony of his reported comments are obvious to those who know the McKenzie Country, where Mr Acland wishes to retain existing natural resources and values, compared to his own extensive farming operation in the magnificent Peel Forest area.
“The huge modification of the natural environment taken place in Mr Acland’s region, has altered that landscape forever. Exotic forestry, dairying, sheep and beef farming have removed virtually all traces of the ‘natural environment,’ but have added enormously to the wealth of all New Zealanders.
“Concession from the Department of Conservation for white water rafting will also enable that region to benefit from the use of its natural resources and rightly so. Why shouldn’t the people of the McKenzie Country benefit from their region’s assets Mr Acland?” Mr Eckhoff said.