Smokefree Bill A Cancer To Freedom
Smokefree Bill A Cancer To Freedom
Wednesday 15 Oct 2003 Heather Roy Press Releases -- Health
ACT New Zealand Health Spokesman Heather Roy today accused the Labour Government of using the Smokefree Bill to nail shut the coffin of personal freedom, and also to release New Zealanders from taking responsibility for their own actions.
"Will no one be held responsible for their own actions? Clearly not, when the Smokefree Bill can fine bar and restaurant-owners up to $4,000 if someone lights up on their premises, while smokers themselves escape with impunity," Mrs Roy said.
"It is no wonder the Hospitality Association is up in arms over this completely unfair Bill from an anti-business Government. But it goes even further - Labour is resolute in its attack on personal freedom and business.
"ACT Finance Spokesman Rodney Hide recently revealed that contracts between the Health Ministry and ASH, ATAK and the Smokefree Coalition specifically indicate that these groups must lobby key MPs and write letters to newspaper editors about the Smokefree Bill.
"This is completely unacceptable. The Government is using taxpayers' money to steal their personal freedom. Hospitality Association members are, effectively, giving the Government the money to attack them.
"Clearly, the Health Ministry and its Labour masters are calling the shots on the Smokefree Bill. New Zealand businesses don't stand a chance. This Bill is nothing more than another Labour stick to whack New Zealanders and dictate our lives," Mrs Roy said.
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