$369,000 Spent on Hui-ing the Foreshore
Government Documents Reveal: $369,000 Spent on
Hui-ing the Foreshore
Thursday 2 Oct 2003 Richard Prebble Press Releases -- Treaty of Waitangi & Maori Affairs
ACT Leader Richard Prebble released official information today that shows the government's ten foreshore hui cost one hundred and ninety-seven thousand dollars.
"But the real cost is closer to three hundred thousand dollars. The government spent thirty-two thousand dollars on advertising and a further ninety-eight thousand in administration and analysis of the submissions.
The bills do not finish there. The discussion document cost thirty-three thousand, the pamphlets, twenty thousand, the information kits, eleven hundred and the website a thousand dollars.
"All up the government has spent three hundred and sixty-nine thousand dollars and Minister John Tamihere said that the response from hui was worth nothing.
"The lack of quality in responses could be because the government's own document is shallow, inconsistent, and fails to explain fundamental questions such as why the government did not appeal the Court of Appeal decision. The government failed to even define the concept of the public domain.
"The taxpayer certainly has not received value for money.
"It has been left to the ACT party to organise the first hui that is open to the public and will present high quality analysis.
"The conference is costing ACT seventeen thousand dollars to present. It would not be possible if the speakers, who are leaders in their fields, were not donating their time, including Brian Lee Crowley from Canada.
"Half of New Zealand's total area is foreshore and seabed. It is an issue where the government should spend less in PR and more on genuine consultation," said Mr Prebble.
For more information visit ACT online at
http://www.act.org.nz or contact the ACT Parliamentary
Office at act@parliament.govt.nz.