Dunne underwhelmed by Green abuse

Published: Mon 22 Sep 2003 12:55 AM
For immediate release
Monday, 22 September 2003
Dunne underwhelmed by Green abuse
United Future leader, Peter Dunne, has received a communication from a senior Green Party official that he feels compelled to share with the rest of the world.
The email reads, in full:
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuey and Michelle [(Address redacted)]
Sent: Friday, 19 September 2003 11:51 p.m.
To: Peter Dunne; UnitedF
Subject: smokefree
hey Peter Dunhill, how many packets of fags did you bring back from
Mexico you dirty lunger?
smoke cannabis, not tobacco, its better for you,
Stuey (proud to support the health Nazis)
P.S. didn't you say that you think cannabis should be illegal because
its bad for you?
P.P.S. by that reasoning how can justify not banning tobacco?
P.P.P.S. aren't you an extremely rude hypocritical scumbag?
P.P.P.P.S. are you going to debate Nandor or are you a chicken?
P.P.P.P.P.S. cluck cluck cluck cluck
Stuart Young, Michelle Ardern & Felix Ardern-Young (2)
Stuey is webmaster of the NZ Green Party:
And webmaster of his own personal website - a cobweb site:
“As a prime example of the usual level of Green political debate, this is extremely instructive,” said Mr Dunne.
“It never lifts itself above the level of crude personal abuse; it lacks good grammar and spelling; and all its assertions fail the test of being backed by reasoned logic.
“Noting the time at which the email was sent, I can only assume Stuey’s head was adversely affected by all the evening fumes,” he said.
“While on the topic, I am happy to pass on good news to Stuey and his colleague, Green MP, Nandor Tanczos.
“There are reports in today’s media which say that recent medical studies show that smoking cannabis may make you paranoid, forgetful and dopey, but it won’t kill you.
“As a self-confessed long-term lawbreaking dope smoker, Mr Tanczos can take heart from this news, although the same report does point out there’s a lot of literature now on the increased psychiatric risks of smoking cannabis long-term as well as scientific evidence to suggest chemicals in cannabis could be cancer causing.
“Research also suggests prolonged cannabis smoking can lead to modification of the gene related to depression.
“It’s good to know that the Greens’ pro-drug policies won’t actually kill us all, even though it may leave us paranoid, forgetful, dopey, depressed, battling psychiatric problems and struggling with the ravages of cancer.
“On reflection, perhaps death would be preferable to the Greens’ idea of a drug-fuelled nirvana,” concluded Mr Dunne.

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