And the Cold Shower Award goes to...
And the Cold Shower Award goes to...
The Green Party is inviting the public to find the nation's worst power squanderers.
Co-leader and Energy Spokesperson Jeanette Fitzsimons has launched a competition on the party's popular web site to nominate the worst offenders and also the country's best power-savers.
"Despite soothing noises from the Energy Minister, we are still in a crisis and we are likely to remain in one till we change our culture of waste, drop our addiction to fossil fuels and invest in renewable sources of energy like solar and wind-power," Ms Fitzsimons said today.
"In the meantime, we can all help out by cutting down on wasteful power use. Many people are already doing just that, and we have a "Bright Sparks' category in the contest to recognise those super-savers.
"Of course, we will also be accepting nominations - and pictures - for the Cold Shower Award, for companies that leave lights burning all night or rows of TVs blazing all day. And we'll also recognise those 'squanderers' who've taken the hint and upped their game.
"It's a fun competition, but one with a serious message: waste not, want not.
Turn on to the Big Turn Off competition at: