Budget to boost literacy teaching
Hon Trevor Mallard
Minister of Education
Budget to boost literacy teaching
Budget 2003 will inject $15 million over the next four years to drive a concerted approach to improve literacy teaching for year 1 to 8 school students, Education Minister Trevor Mallard said today.
“International research shows us that we have one of the widest ranges in literacy achievement within our schools. These differences are much bigger than the differences between schools.
“This has highlighted the need for all schools, regardless of size, decile, school type or location to focus on ensuring that their literacy programmes are as good as they can be, so no student misses out.
“The funding will ensure that all teachers of year 1 to 8 students have access to quality professional development so they can provide effective literacy programmes based on what we know works.”
Under the initiative, schools will be supported by 15 newly appointed Literacy Development Officers to ensure their literacy programmes are delivering the best results possible for the entire class.
“Many schools will already be on track and getting the assistance they need. However some will need help, including additional funding in some cases, to implement approved development plans,” Trevor Mallard said.
As a result of this initiative, investment in improving literacy and numeracy will rise to $25 million over four years. Other initiatives already in place such as the Literacy Leadership Programme, the highly successful and popular Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning, and other classroom resources will continue.