Clark ignored advice that military action legal
Clark ignored advice that military action legal
National has revealed the Prime Minister was advised that military action against Iraq by the United States was legal, despite her stand that a further United Nations resolution was needed.
Official Information papers released by National Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Wayne Mapp show the Prime Minister was advised that United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441 'can be interpreted to authorise unilateral action if the Security Council does not take action in response to non-compliance by Iraq'.
"The advice clearly favours the legality of the action.
"This contradicts Helen Clark's theory that a second resolution was needed before the action was legal. It is another example of the Prime Minister making the wrong calls when the facts are laid out clearly in front of her," Dr Mapp said.
"The Prime Minister's embarrassing comment that action in Iraq was going back to the "law of the jungle" is a blatant statement that the actions of the coalition were illegal. The advice she received from her officials shows how far off beam she is.
"Helen Clark is out of her depth
again in foreign affairs issues. This information out today
shows she will ignore advice to promote her own interests
and beliefs, ahead of what is best for New Zealand,
regardless of the damage this does to our relationships with
other countries," Dr Mapp says.