Govt advertising encourages welfare dependency

Published: Thu 27 Mar 2003 05:27 PM
Katherine Rich National Social Services Spokesperson
27 March 2003
Govt advertising encourages welfare dependency
The Government's continued campaign to get more people onto welfare is clearly illustrated yet again by current radio advertisements raised by National today.
"The Social Services and Employment Minister claims that the Government wants to reduce welfare dependency but everything he does points to encouraging more people onto welfare," says National Social Services Spokesperson Katherine Rich.
"Radio advertisements by the Inland Revenue Department say "You always knew that having children would be much you receive depends on how many children you have.. and with two children in your family you could earn even more and still receive Family Assistance..."
"These adverts send the wrong message. The Government should pull them now because they aggressively entice vulnerable people into welfare dependency.
"While the Government claims to want to reduce welfare dependency, every action it has taken so far, like abolishing work testing, softens the welfare system and embellishes the welfare trap, said Mrs Rich said.
Source: quote from Radio Network advertisement

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