No changes in CYFS practices 12 mnths after murder
Katherine Rich National Social Services Spokesperson
18 December 2002
No changes in CYFS practices 12 months after Masterton murders
The Child, Youth and Family Service has not changed any practices in relation to the handling of cases since the deaths of Olympia Jetson and Saliel Aplin more than a year ago, National Social Services Spokesperson Katherine Rich revealed today.
Replying to a question from Mrs Rich, the Minister of Social Services said the practices regarding the social workers involved in the care of the two girls had not changed since they were murdered last December.
"More than a year after these girls were murdered while in the care of CYFS nothing has changed "The Minister even goes as far as to say that "the Department is satisfied with its social work policies and there have been no changes in procedures following the deaths of the girls".
"I am startled that the Minister would use such assuring words when it was revealed in court that CYFS sent a letter to the household, giving the alleged sexual abuser an opportunity to intercept it, shortly before the murders (DomPost 05/12), and that repeated allegations of sexual abuse were deemed "to be of no urgency" (DomPost 19/11), and that a review is underway on CYFS handling of the case," said Mrs Rich.