Tribute To Te Kohanga Reo Trust Chief Executive
Tribute To Te Kohanga Reo Trust Chief Executive
Tribute was paid today to the retiring Chief Executive, of Te Kohanga Reo Trust, Iritana Tawhiwhirangi, by New Zealand First leader Rt Hon Winston Peters.
“Mrs Tawhiwhirangi is a person whose huge energy and commitment to kohanga reo has contributed much to the development of Maori language and Maori education over the last 20 years,” said Mr Peters.
“Mrs Tawhiwhirangi’s shared vision with Maoridom to provide educational opportunities in the Maori language has seen a new generation of Maori speakers.
“The advancement of this has required huge energy and commitment.
“Maori have long sort the best possible education for their children and kohanga reo has been an example of what can been done through Maori initiative and realising what is the best education for young Maori.
“In marking Mrs
Tawhiwhirangi’s contribution we wish her well in her
retirement and trust that kohanga reo will continue to
prosper,” said Mr