NZ gives further $0.5m in Afghanistan aid

Published: Mon 9 Dec 2002 12:35 AM
Hon Phil Goff
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Media Statement
9 December 2002
NZ gives further $0.5m in Afghanistan humanitarian aid
New Zealand will provide $500,000 for UNICEF’s education programme in Afghanistan, Foreign Minister Phil Goff announced today from Kabul.
Mr Goff has made the announcement after meeting with representatives of UNICEF in Afghanistan.
“Children in Afghanistan have suffered from years of conflict and hardship. We have made a commitment to help rebuild Afghanistan and working with the most vulnerable people is our top priority.
“UNICEF has successfully supported the efforts of the Afghan Interim Administration to rapidly provide learning opportunities in primary and secondary education. Since the removal of the Taleban regime, over three million children have resumed their education, including more than one million girls previously banned from getting an education.
“New Zealand’s contribution will help UNICEF deliver early childhood education, teacher training and accelerated learning classes.
“There is a vast demand for education at all levels in Afghanistan and we are targeting areas that we think will make the biggest different to ordinary Afghan families,” said Mr Goff.
The funds will come from the official development assistance programme administered by the New Zealand Agency for International Development.
This will bring to $3.1 million the amount New Zealand has contributed to the rebuilding of Afghanistan since last year.

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