Dairying Need Not Be So Dirty
Dairying Need Not Be So Dirty
Fonterra has made a wise move in taking the initiative over allegations that dairying is causing major problems with New Zealand water quality, ACT New Zealand Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Spokesman Gerrard Eckhoff
"While the facts can be debated, the reality is that there is a worsening public perception of the dairy industry. This negative view is due, in no small part, to the Fish and Game Council's `dirty dairying' campaign.
"All farmers must heed the call to ensure that high environmental standards are applied. If that means a few extra kilometres of hot wire and a few posts - so be it.
"It is a small price to pay to stop allegations of dairying being an extractive and polluting industry. Agriculture must show that production and conservation can exist comfortably together, each respecting the other's place in our society. If farmers wish to show displeasure at Fish and Game's attitude, they need only deny access to duck hunters on the first Saturday in May to make their point.