Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries warrants
Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commissioner's
Maori Affairs Minister Parekura Horomia announced that appointments to the Fisheries Commission will be defered to allow the current Commissioners time to complete their work on fisheries asset allocation proposals.
The current Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commissioner's warrants expired on 22 August 2002, at which point further appointments were deferred for a period of three months to 22 November 2002.
"The government continues to have confidence in this Commission and its work. Significant progress has been made in advancing fisheries allocation issues.
"I have deferred addressing the appointments issue for a further six months to allow existing Commissioners to stay in their role until 22 May 2003. It is anticipated that this will provide the time needed for the Commission to report the fisheries asset allocation model to government.
"The allocation-related discussions between the Commission and iwi to maximise the level of iwi support for its final allocation proposals are at an advanced stage. We are closer than we have ever been to a resolution of this long-standing issue and detailed work on the terms of the proposals will continue over the next few months.
"There still remain significant challenges ahead of us before we reach an optimum allocation model and give that model practical effect. I am again calling on everyone to work together to this end.
"This $700M asset base will provide a significant platform for Maori development and advancement.
"I am heartened by the leadership shown to date by those involved in this process. I am hopeful the good faith that has been evident in discussions so far will continue, and that broad-based agreement on the final resolution of this important matter will be achieved in the near future," Parekura Horomia said.
Background Information
Current Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commissioners
Shane Jones
2. Craig Ellison
3. Rob McLeod
4. Hon. Koro Wetere
5. Archie Taiaroa
6. Toro Waaka
7. June Jackson
8. June Mariu
9. Naida Glavish