Clark Fears Immigration Debate - Shuts It Down
Clark Fears Immigration Debate - Shuts It Down
New Zealand First has accused Labour of denying Parliament the opportunity to debate immigration policy and of muddying the water over the issue.
Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters said his party welcomed an opportunity to contribute to the development of New Zealand’s population policy and was disappointed that the Prime Minister had shut down the debate because she was just plain scared.
“Rather than bury discussion in accusations of racism and Asian bashing, she should have welcomed an opportunity to discuss the impact of ad hoc policies applied by money grabbing institutions and individuals at the expense of our country’s social fabric.
“The alleged, but unproven economic benefits of current immigration policies need to be weighed against the infrastructural pressures, the social dislocation, and the lack of consultation on the future shape of our country.
“We cannot adequately house, educate, employ or provide health services for all of our people and it is a nonsense to say that our future trade is dependent upon taking huge numbers of migrants,” Mr Peters said.
“The question is one of numbers and our ability to integrate and accommodate them. Most New Zealanders understand this and it is disappointing that the Prime Minister and her chorus of sycophants refuse to take the genuine concerns of New Zealanders seriously.”