National MP’s prepare for Australian trip

Published: Fri 8 Nov 2002 10:26 AM
National MP’s prepare for Australian trip
A seven strong team of National MP’s leaves New Zealand this weekend in a bid to help build relations with our nearest neighbour.
“Australia and New Zealand share a fairly similar outlook on the world and when we become the next Government it’s crucial we have a good relationship,” says National leader Bill English.
An important part of the trip for Mr English will be a one on one meeting with Australian Prime Minister John Howard on Monday afternoon.
Joining Mr English on the two day visit will be Finance spokesman Dr Don Brash, Health spokeswoman Dr Lynda Scott, Foreign Affairs spokesman Dr Wayne Mapp, Agriculture spokesman David Carter, Trade spokesman Dr Lockwood Smith and Science spokesman Paul Hutchison.
“We’ve drifted apart from our nearest neighbour in recent years, and this visit is just one small step towards a closer relationship,” says Mr English.
The team will be meeting officials including Australian Treasurer Peter Costello, Trade Minister Mark Vaile, the Australian Reserve Bank Governor, Defence Minister Senator Robert Hill, Health Minister Kay Paterson and the Minister for Employment Mal Brough.
“It’ll be a great opportunity for the National to take a close up look at Australian policy development on health, agriculture and the economy.

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