Safeguards in Terrorism Act
Safeguards in Terrorism Act
Matt Robson, Progressive Spokesperson on Defence said today that he is pleased with safeguards in the Terrorism Suppression 2001 Act.
“After lengthy discussions the Act was not passed in its original form after safeguards were insisted on.
“While the proscribing of terrorist organisations is a necessary step, and the naming of groups of terrorists and proscribing them on the advice of the United Nations does have its obvious dangers, the safeguards make the Act subject to checks and balances,” said Matt Robson.
The key safeguards are:
· the Prime Minister could not act alone and had to
confer with the Attorney General;
· any individual or
organisation proscribed could appeal to the High Court; no
form of legal dissent or protest, including the right to
strike, could be affected;
· individuals and
organisations have the right to challenge any source of
information, eg advice from anyone who themselves are
heavily implicated in terrorist activities and severe human