EEO Commissioner appointed
18 October 2002 Media Statement
EEO Commissioner appointed
Professor Judith McGregor has been appointed as the country’s first Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner, Associate Justice Minister Margaret Wilson announced today.
Professor McGregor will work as part of the Human Rights Commission and take responsibility for providing advice and leadership on matters relating to EEO, including leading the development of guidelines and voluntary codes of practice to promote best practice in EEO. She has been appointed for a five year term.
Professor McGregor is currently Head of the Department of Communications and Journalism, and former Head of the Human Resources Management Department, at Massey University, Wellington.
Before her employment at Massey, she worked as a journalist for the Waitako Times and The Dominion, and was the Editor of the Sunday News and the Auckland Star.
Margaret Wilson said Professor McGregor has a longstanding involvement in equal employment opportunity issues which has given her a thorough appreciation of EEO trends and developments, not only in this country but overseas.
“Her media background will be an added advantage given the promotional responsibilities of the EEO Commissioner.”
Professor McGregor will take up her new position early in the New Year.