Two new Mäori Land Court judges appointed
19 September 2002 Media Statement
Two new Mäori Land Court judges appointed
Minister of Mäori Affairs, Parekura Horomia today announced the appointment of Ms Stephanie Milroy and Mr Layne Harvey to the bench of the Mäori Land Court.
"I am extremely pleased with these appointments, both are high-calibre with a notable history of work in Mäori land law and Treaty of Waitangi issues.
"I am confident that the new judges will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the bench of the Mäori Land Court.
"The Mäori Land Court is of major importance to whanau, hapu, iwi and Mäori development. Ensuring we are able to navigate through Mäori land issues to better utilise and develop Mäori owned land and work our way through the often unique processes that collective land ownership creates will be of benefit for all.
"Following the passing of Te Ture Whenua Mäori amendment earlier this year which broadened the jurisdiction of the Mäori Land Court, new judges appointed need knowledge and experience of te reo Mäori, tikanga and the Treaty.
"The new judges have the skills, the ability and the courage to carry out this work while preserving the integrity of the Mäori Land Court in today's environment.
"I would like to acknowledge the contribution made by Judge Marumaru in Whanganui and Judge Carter in Hamilton and thank them for their service," Parekura Horomia said.
Biographical details
attached and current Mäori Land Court judges and
Ms Stephanie Milroy (LLM) is of Tühoe and Ngäti Whakaue affiliation and is currently a lecturer in law at Waikato University. Prior to working at the University Ms Milroy was an Associate Partner at Norris Ward & Co, Barristers and Solicitors in Hamilton. Ms. Milroy has considerable knowledge of Treaty issues and an extensive knowledge of Mäori legal issues through her research and lecturing in Mäori land, Mäori customary land, and Treaty issues and supervising Masters papers. Ms. Milroy has also presented and published numerous articles of note on Mäori issues and is proficient in te reo and tikanga.
Mr Layne Harvey (LLM) is of Ngäti Awa, Rongowhakäta, Te Aitanga a Mähaki and Te Whänau a Apanui affiliation and a graduate of Auckland University. He. Mr. Harvey has been in private practice since 1992 and was until recently an Associate Partner at Walters Williams, Barristers and Solicitors in Auckland. Mr. Harvey’s has extensive experience in Waitangi Tribunal matters and Mäori land law, and is also very involved with Mäori organisations. He has also published various articles on the Treaty of Waitangi and Mäori issues, Mäori land, and has also presented seminars on the Mäori Land Court and consultation with Mäori. Mr. Harvey is proficient in te reo and tikanga.
Both Ms Milroy and Mr Harvey will takes up their appointments in September.
Current bench of the
Mäori Land Court and MLC Districts
Chief Judge Joe Williams
Deputy Chief Judge Wilson Isaac
Aotea District
(Whanganui) Judge Wainwright
Judge Isaac and Judge
Tairawhiti District (Gisborne) Judge Isaac
Taitokerau District (Whangarei) Judge Spencer
Takitimu District (Hastings) Judge Isaac
Te Waipounamu District (Christchurch) Judge Wainwright
Waiariki District (Rotorua) Judge
Judge Savage
Waikato Maniapoto District
(Hamilton) Judge Savage
Chief Judge