Greens Astonished At Minister Breaking Own Rules
28 August 2002
Greens Astonished At Minister Breaking Own Rules
Green Health Spokesperson Sue Kedgley said she was astonished that the Minister of Health had breached rules contained in legislation she had personally introduced into Parliament when she appointed Wayne Brown as Chair of the Auckland District Health.
"I am astonished that the Minister appointed Wayne Brown as Chair of the Auckland District Health Board, one month after he had been elected to the Tairawhiti District Health Board, in clear violation of her own legislation," Ms Kedgley said.
"The Minister took close personal oversight of the Public Health and Disability Act 2000, and surely she would have been in a better position than anyone to know the legislation stipulates that an elected member of one board cannot be appointed to another."
Ms Kedgley said she was also astonished that it had taken nine months to rectify this illegal appointment.