Health Professionals Pitted Against Each Other
26 August 2002
Health Deficits Pit Health Professionals Against Each Other
The continued pressure being put on health services in New Zealand was demonstrated last night by the Assignment programme featuring the chairman of the Auckland and Tairawhiti District Health Boards, Dr Lynda Scott said today.
"The Minister of Health has created a situation where managers and doctors are pitted against each other in a struggle to reduce board deficits - which are now the largest ever recorded at $217 million.
"Once doctors and managers see each other as a problem the situation becomes irretrievable and health care suffers.
"This situation does nothing to improve the morale of our doctors, the care in our hospitals and simply will not work.
"More doctors will leave, morale will drop even further, and the Minister of Health is now being left with a health system where all goodwill has evaporated.
"This is not an acceptable situation," Dr Scott said.