Housing Laws Will Worsen Mental Health Crisis
Housing Laws Will Worsen Mental Health Crisis
Thursday 22 Aug 2002 Dr Muriel Newman Press Releases -- Social Welfare
ACT New Zealand Housing Spokesman Dr Muriel Newman today called on the Government to review proposed changes to housing legislation in light of today's Ministry of Social Development report on the precarious state of housing for the mentally ill.
"The Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill introduces draconian changes to the way boarding houses operate. Boarding house owners tell me the new legislation will make it almost impossible for them to continue operating their businesses. Yet for many mentally ill New Zealanders, boarding houses are their homes.
"If the bill goes ahead unchanged and boarding houses close down leaving the mentally ill with even fewer housing options, the Government will have exacerbated what is already an extremely serious problem.
"I will be writing to the Minister of Housing to ask that he change the proposed legislation so that he does not unintentionally cause boarding houses to close," Dr Newman said.
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