Agreement means a do nothing government

Published: Fri 9 Aug 2002 09:23 AM
Hon Bill English National Party Leader
8 August 2002
Agreement means a do nothing government
The agreement reached today between Labour and United Future means New Zealand will get a do nothing government, says National Party Leader Bill English.
"The Greens have withdrawn their support for Labour even though they tend to agree with their policies. Meanwhile, Peter Dunne has voted overwhelmingly against Labour but is now supporting them on confidence and supply.
"Labour has bought stability for the price of future progress in New Zealand. It's the wrong answer for the challenges that lie ahead."
Mr English says New Zealand is heading into tougher economic conditions with deteriorating health and public services.
"This government arrangement makes it almost certain there will be no progress made in helping small businesses expand our economic base, sorting out education standards in schools or hospitals with growing waiting lists.
"I expect that this agreement will deliver little for families. A new bureaucracy will be quickly bogged down in political correctness and over analysis.
"It is disappointing that United Future has given away so much in return for so little.
"This agreement provides an excellent opportunity for National to lead a vigorous and constructive opposition both inside and outside Parliament," Mr English says.

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